How to win a €10,000 Charizard Pokémon card with CollectHub and Federic: All the Details


Annuncio del Vincitore del Primo Concorso Collect Hub!

Annuncio del Vincitore del Primo Concorso Collect Hub!

Cari appassionati di collezionismo, È con grande entusiasmo che annunciamo il vincitore del primo concorso firmato Collect Hub! Dopo settimane...
Pikatchu Illustrator: the most expensive Pokémon card in the world!

Pikatchu Illustrator: the most expensive Pokémon card in the world!

The world of trading cards is full of treasures, unique objects that enchant collectors with their beauty, rarity and history. Among these, fe...
CollectHub: The New Frontier of Accessibility in the World of Trading Cards

CollectHub: The New Frontier of Accessibility in the World of Trading Cards

In the vast landscape of trading cards, a new name is rapidly gaining popularity in Italy: CollectHub . Founded with the goal of making the...
How to win a €10,000 Charizard Pokémon card with CollectHub and Federic: All the Details

How to win a €10,000 Charizard Pokémon card with CollectHub and Federic: All the Details

Have you always dreamed of owning a Charizard Holo Core Set card, the one that all collectors desire, but the price has always been out o...