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Win Pokemon Cards in Our Pokemon Giveaways & Contests

Join our contests and unlock a world of exclusive prizes and exciting surprises. Your chance to win something extraordinary awaits!

Win Pokemon Card
  • Come vincere carte Pokémon nei nostri concorsi?

    Partecipare ai nostri concorsi è molto semplice! Il primo passo è collegarsi al sito www.collecthub.com, una volta lì, non dovete far altro che selezionare il concorso a cui desiderate partecipare e cliccare sulla pagina del prodotto dell'Artwork relativa.

    A questo punto procedete con l'acquisto dell'Artwork al prezzo di 5€ e il gioco è fatto! Si genererà per voi un numero univoco e casuale per ogni Artwork acquistata: ogni numero così generato corrisponde ad un ticket omaggio che vi mette in gioco per vincere la carta rara che tanto desiderate. E proprio così, con ogni Artwork acquistata, otterrete un ticket che aumenterà le vostre probabilità di vincita.

    Una volta completati i passaggi precedenti, siete ufficialmente iscritti all'unico concorso che vi offre la possibilità di vincere una carta rara di questa portata. E semplice proprio come sembra!

    E il bello è che potrete seguire il vostro percorso di vincita in ogni momento. Come? Entrando sul vostro profilo personale sul sito di CollectHub, avrete accesso immediato allo stato dei vostri ticket e alle eventuali vittorie.

  • Regole di partecipazione nei concorsi.

    Regole e requisiti per la partecipazione ai concorsi di Collect Hub.

    Ricordiamo che tutte i concorsi sono regolamentati ai sensi del D.P.R 430/2001.

    Per partecipare ai concorsi è necessario:

    essere residenti e/o domiciliati in Italia o nella Repubblica di San Marino.

    Infine, per completare la partecipazione, è richiesto l'acquisto di un "Artwork digitale" nell'E-Shop del sito web, accettando il regolamento del concorso e fornendo tutti i dati ritenuti obbligatori. Queste condizioni sono fondamentali per garantire la corretta partecipazione e l'equità del concorso per tutti i partecipanti.

    Vi invitiamo a leggere il regolamento completo QUI

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I increase my chances of winning rare Pokémon cards?

To participate in the competition, it is sufficient and necessary to purchase one or more artworks
from our online shop. With each artwork purchased it will be automatically
assigned a unique number randomly generated by our system.This
number will be inserted in a printout which will be subsequently delivered
to the Chamber of Commerce official responsible for carrying out the extraction.
It is also important to enter the correct data (Name, Surname, Address, Email and/or Number
by phone) at check-out. There is no limit to how many artworks there are
possible to purchase, so the more artwork you purchase, the greater your chances of

How often is this category updated with new contests and opportunities to win rare cards?

The specific artwork that entitles you to participate in the Charizard raffle has
a fixed cost of €6. This amount will be the only amount required to participate in the competition
and there will be no further additional costs. It is essential to understand that the purchase
of this artwork for €6 is required to be considered for the draw

What are the specific criteria for winning rare Pokémon cards in active contests?

The winner selection criterion is completely random and does not depend on anyone
external factor beyond purchasing the artwork. There is no element that can
influence the randomness of the draw in any way. The winner's draw
occurs impartially, under the direct supervision of a designated official
by the Chamber of Commerce. This ensures a transparent and reliable process for
all participants.

How will I be notified if I win a rare Pokémon card from a contest?

The winners will be contacted directly by Federic using the contact details provided at
at check-out, including email address and/or telephone number. In addition to
direct communication, users will be able to independently check the status of the
own Artwork via your profile on Collect Hub during all phases of the
competition. On Collect Hub, you will be able to view the status of the Artwork, which
could be “Pending”, “Winning” or “Not Winning”, allowing users to
monitor the progress and outcome of their participation at any time.

What steps should I take if I'm having trouble entering a contest or claiming my prize?

There are two ways to contact Collect Hub customer service: the
first is to go to the "contacts" section on the site, in the email bar
menu at the top and fill out the form provided. The second method is to send an email directly to ecommerce@collecthub.com. Please include all information in your message
necessary information and your questions or requests. In both cases, our team
support team is committed to contacting you as soon as possible to assist you.

Are there any restrictions on the number of times I can enter contests in this category?

Numerous variable-frequency initiatives will soon be available on Collect Hub. Each contest will be a unique opportunity to participate and win collectible cards of great value and rarity. We will not only focus on Pokémon cards, but we will embrace the entire universe of the rarest and most expensive collectible cards, including Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic: The Gathering cards. Each competition will be characterized by the rarity and value of the cards up for grabs, offering participants the exciting possibility of enriching their collections with unique pieces. Stay tuned for more details on upcoming initiatives and get ready for an immersive adventure into the world of trading cards with Collect Hub! To receive real-time updates on our initiatives and not to miss any opportunities, we invite you to follow our official social media channels and subscribe to our newsletter.

Become the owner of rare Pokémon cards.

CollectHub is the first Italian platform that organizes competitions to win the rarest and most precious cards in the world, in collaboration with Federic95ita and supported by an expert legal team to guarantee maximum transparency and seriousness.

Security and fairness: all competitions organized by CollectHub are regulated pursuant to Presidential Decree 430/2001, guaranteeing honesty and transparency. Variety of competitions: not only Pokémon, but also YU-GI-OH, MAGIC and all the news relating to the trading card panorama. Easy participation: just follow a few intuitive instructions and you could be the winner of the rarest and most expensive cards! Always stay up to date: we constantly update our site to offer you unique experiences and opportunities.